Friday, November 4, 2011

what i might use

this what I might use for the brush portrait thing

Brush Tutorial

I downloaded a brush stroke and used that to make this.  This was easy because it was simple to make with th brush strokes and I didn't want it to complicated.  I would like to see what brush I could make in the future.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Monster Project

I thought that the labels for the box turned out pretty well. I didn't really learn anything new from this project. I applied what i learned from previous projects to this one. Nothing was really difficult to do in this one. It just took me a while to make the monster but after that it was very easy to do the rest. If I were t odo this again, I would try to make the monster look better than the one before.


I thought this was very annoying to form text into a picture as it was a tedious task to do so. I learned how to form pics with text. If I were to do this again I would try to find an easier way of doing this because it took me a long time to do this. I thought this was okay but I could have made the face look better but I'm fine with how it turned out.